Atlanta air show

Photography: Raphael Duncan

Raphael Duncan attended the Atlanta Airshow on Saturday October 12th, 2019. This airshow was held at Atlanta Motor Speedway and would be the first time that the USAF Thunderbirds performed a full demonstration over a racetrack. The weather was overcast, but the flying was still great. Other acts included the Canadian Forces Snowbirds, Panchito, Geico Skytypers, Navy legacy flight, and Kent Pietsch landing on a truck…in pit row!

Sadly day 2 of this show was cut early when Snowbird 5, Captain Kevin Domon-Grenier, was forced to eject shortly before the teams demonstration. Remarkably he ejected safely and there were no injuries on the ground. We're very happy to hear of his safe ejection and continue to be inspired by the professionalism of these pilots.